Kinetic Group of Bibliophiles (KGB)

DPMMS, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
University of Cambridge
Wilberforce Road Cambridge CB3 0WA
United Kingdom

Contact: Ivan Moyano at the address

What is the Kinetic Group of Bibliophiles?

The KGB sessions host informal talks organised by members of the Cambridge Kinetic Group. They provide a space to discuss mathematical aspects of kinetic theory in an informal and relaxed setting. We try to meet once a week at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

The goal of the reading group is to discuss some research results in kinetic theory, both classical and new, available in a written support (typically papers or books). This conscientious reading activity aims at bringing some beautiful pieces of kinetic knowledge to an audience composed by undergraduates, graduates, PhD students, postdoc, senior researchers and anyone interested in this field.

You can find below our upcoming talks and some other activities by group members/PhD students, presentations by visitors, etc.

Upcoming talks

Easter 2018

Lent 2018

Michaelmas 2018