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Open PDE & Analysis Seminar

Prof Isabelle Gallagher (Ecole Normale Supérieure)

From Newton to Boltzmann, fluctuations and large deviations

Thursday 30th April 2020, 3pm (Paris time)

Abstract : I will report on a recent work, joint with Th. Bodineau, L. Saint-Raymond and S. Simonella, in which we develop a rigorous theory of macroscopic fluctuations for a hard sphere gas outside thermal equilibrium, in the Boltzmann-Grad limit : in particular we study deviations from the Boltzmann equation (describing the asymptotic dynamics of the empirical density) and provide, for short kinetic times, both a central limit theorem and large deviation bounds.

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Thomas Alazard (ENS Paris-Saclay)         Nicolas Burq (Orsay)         Iván Moyano (Nice)